International Canadian Territory Elections

OFFICIAL NOTICE • NOVEMBER 25, 2024 To download a PDF version, click here. NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL OFFICERSInternational President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President,1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law In accordance with Article III of the IAM Constitution,[1] except as set forth herein, in Canada …

Grand Lodge Convention

IAM 41st Convention Gavel InformationCongratulations to the makers of the gavels that are playing a crucial role in the IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City. Machinists members, who made the gavels, are from IAM Local S6 and S7 in Bath, ME, IAM LOCAL 175 in York, PA, IAM Local 1943 in Middletown, OH …

Labour Day Parade

On this day we celebrate the workers and labourers who march for their rights against exploitation—fighting for Justice on the job! The day originated in the early 1900s when the labour union movement stood up and fought for the eight-hour work day!  Come, bring family and friends! Join your union celebrate all the work wins, …

Organizing Win

Organizing Win ORGANIZING WIN The 200 nursing staff of Mackenzie Health Long Term Care in Richmond Hill voted overwhelmingly in favour of joining the IAM Union. “Only 2 employees voted against getting the Union”, noted District 78 organizer Rootisha Rampat Sukhu. “The workplace leaders worked tirelessly to get their co-workers signed up and held them …

Ontario Health Coalition

The Ontario Health Coalition is fighting hard to keep our healthcare system public and available to all! While our Ontario government is underfunding and making cuts to force the privatization of health care and convince the people of Ontario that its the only solution to our healthcare crisis! It’s not!  If you want to get involved, …