Presentation from the OPCM President
On June 27th the OPCM celebrated 125 years of the IAMAW in Canada. OPCM President Kim Valliere presents Stan Pickthall COS a picture commemorating this event at the OPCM Executive meeting held on Saturday Sept 19, 2015
How I’m Voting on 19 October, 2015
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Are you registered to vote?
On 19 Oct 2015, Canadians will vote in one of the most important elections in our lifetime. Steven Harper and the conservative have made it harder for Canadians to vote. We want to make sure that all IAM members are registered to vote in these elections. You can check if you are registered by clicking HERE
IAM Political Action Symposium
The IAM in Canada just finished their 2nd Political Action Symposium. More than 90 members attended this invigorating gathering to prepare for the upcoming federal elections on 19 October, 2015. We are all agreed that Canada NEEDS CHANGE and we will do our part to make it happen for all workers! To see photos from …
Happy Spring!!
Hello All , Happy Spring!!! I want to THANK YOU for attend to Political Action meeting held, on February 14, 2015, appreciate the time and effort are contributed. We are indeed in “fight of our lives” and now more than ever continue to educate ourselves, our families and our IAM members. We planned to meet …
Political Action meeting for April 18th 2015 9 am-12 noon At district 78 office, open to Political Action committee chairs and members
Political Action – Childcare
The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care is conducting a survey. The results of the survey will be used to produce a report on the state of child care in Ontario. We may quote you, but we will not use your name, just your city. There are a total of 25 questions. The survey should …
Web site training for new communicator
Ernie Giroux, the new communicator for the OPCM, received web site training as part of his new responsibility. Frank Saptel and Manny Cresencia attend this session to train Ernie to be able to communicate with machinists in Ontario. The training took place at District 78. We started at 10 am and went all day. Frank is …
OPCM announces new communicator
We are pleased to announce a new Communicator for that Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM). Ernie Giroux, Vice-President of Local 2412, was acclaimed into their position at OPCM executive meeting on 11 May 2013. Ernie was nominated by Manny Cresencia communicator for OPCM. To OPCM executive and membership would like to thank Manny for …