Swearing in Ceremony of International Officers

Friday January 5th at 12 Noon Eastern time  The swearing in of the IAMAW new International President and his Officers will take place- live stream viewing is available at the links below.  Don`t Miss This event fast Free Sign up then watch Livestream IAM Officer Installation Ceremony Live Live link  🔴► https://hqlivenow365.com/IAM-Officer-Installation-Ceremony/

December 6, 2023

December 6, 2023 On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women we remember the 14 women who were lost because of an act of violent misogyny.To end femicide and gender-based violence, we must challenge misogyny wherever we see it and #BelieveSurvivors. Courtesy of Canadian Labour Congress IAMAW CANADA-Never Again: Canada’s Unions …

OFL 2023 Convention

Convention 2023: Enough is Enough | The Ontario Federation of Labour The Ontario Federation of Labour Convention is happening from November 20-24, 2023. If you attend this event we ask that you send some pictures of your IAM brothers, sisters and siblings along with information about who is in the photo and what local they …

Labour Day 2023

Labour Day is the first Monday in September; this day was made a Canada Wide Statutory holiday in 1894. The history of this day goes back to the First “workers rally” during the Victorian time. There were Speeches, games, picnics, and parades. The holiday was to show solidarity and give a sense of belonging to …

OPCM 2023

OPCM- June 2-4 The event opened by executive President Carol Edgar David Chartrand GVP Canada spoke, “so proud of the diversity in this room! So many women here this weekend!” Gord Falconer spoke on turn out at lobby day and the political achievements for the IAM. We may not be the largest Union in the …

Committee of the Future

IAM members from North America recently joined together at the William Winpisinger Education and Technology Center (W3) in Hollywood, MD. Their mission was to build on the resolution passed during the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention in 2022.Resolution 1 created the IAM Committee on the Future (COTF). The COTF committee was established to listen to …

OPCM Health & Safety Report

Rick Sansom OPCM Health & Safety Coordinator June 2, 2023 Ontario Reacts to Workplace Opioid Epidemic The Ontario government is launching a first-of-its-kind program to make free naloxone kits (and free training) available at workplaces where there is a risk of staff witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose. In 2021, 2,819 people died from opioid-related …

OPCM 2023

See Event page for information and Speak to your Local about participation! Where: Ajax Ontario When: June 2-4, 2023